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Journal paper

30. Yiqun Feng, Tsai-Fu Chung, Chien-Nan Hsiao, Jia-Hong Huang, Effects of duty cycle and nitrogen flow rate on the mechanical properties of (V,Mo)N coatings deposited by high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Volume 41, pp 063109 (2023). (共同作者)

29. Tsai-Fu Chung*, C-W Yeh, Y-S Liaw, J-R Lin, P-L Ho, C-N Hsiao, C-S Tsao, Grain structure and co-precipitation behavior of high-Zn containing Al–Zn–Mg–Cu aluminium alloys during deformation via high-temperature upsetting-extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 968, pp 171871 (2023). (通訊作者).

28. T. H. Hung, P. J. Liu, C. Y. Wang, Tsai-Fu Chung, K. N. Chen, A Low-Cost Passivation for Low Temperature Cu-Cu Bonding Using PVD-Deposited Cu3N, IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, (2023) (共同作者)

27. Cheng-Ling Tai, Mien-Chung Chen, Tsai-Fu Chung, Yo-Lun Yang, Sheng-Long Lee, Jer-Ren Yang, Nano-structural characterization of Ω and S phases in Al-5.1Cu-1.0Mg-(0.4Ag) AA2024 aluminum alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume, pp 145361 (2023) (共同作者)

26. Tsai-Fu Chung*, Shan-Qiao Lin, Hongxing Li, Chien-Nan Hsiao, Jer-Ren Yang, Cheng-Si Tsao, Ohmura Takahito, Microstructure evolution and shearing behaviour of δꞌ/θꞌ/δꞌ precipitates in an aged Al-Cu-Li-Mg aluminium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 953, pp 170095 (2023). (通訊作者).

25 M.-C. Chen, Tsai-Fu Chung*, C.-L. Tai, Y.-H. Chen, J.-R. Yang, S.-L. Lee, C.-N. Hsiao, C.-S. Tsao, C.-M. Chou, Quantitative evaluation of the effect of Ag-addition on the concurrently-existing precipitation kinetics in the aged Al-Cu-Mg(-Ag) alloys, Mater. Des., Volume 227, pp 111766 (2023). (通訊作者)

24 S.-Y. Lu, Tsai-Fu Chung*, J.-J. Chen, Y.-W. Lai, C.-N. Hsiao, C.-Y. Chen, S.-H. Wang, J.-R. Yang, Development of microstructures-properties in Fe-0.4C/0.2C-2Si-3Mn carbide-free bainite steels, Mater. Charact., Volume 197, pp 112670 (2023) (通訊作者)

23. Tu-Ngoc Lam, Hsu-Huan Chin, Xiaodan Zhang, Rui Feng, Huamiao Wang, Ching-Yu Chiang, Soo Yeol Lee, Takuro Kawasaki, Stefanus Harjo, Peter K. Liaw, An-Chou Yeh, Tsai-Fu Chung, E-Wen Huang, Tensile Overload-induced Texture Effects on the Fatigue Resistance of a CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy, Acta Materialia, Volume 245 , pp 118585 (2023) (共同作者)

22. Yiqun Feng, Tsai-Fu Chung, Jia-Hong Huang, Effect of nitrogen flow rate on the mechanical properties of (V,Mo)N thin films. Surface & Coatings Technology, Volume 452, pp 129116 (2023) (共同作者)

21.  X. Xu, Tsai-Fu Chung,  S. Hu, Q. Zhu, J. Fu, J.-R. Yang, Q. Tian, Effect of tin microalloying on the microstructure of low-carbon free-machining steels, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 20, pp 1172-1185 (2022). (共同作者)

20. Chen-Hsiang Ling, Chun-Yi Chou, Tsai-Fu Chung, Jing-Jong Shyue, Jer-Ren Yang, Miin-Jang Chen, Conformal atomic layer etching for Ge based on sacrificial oxide with higher Gibbs free energy of formation, Surfaces and Interfaces, Volume 30, pp 101893 (2022) (共同作者).

19. Tsai-Fu Chung, Shih-Yuan Lu, Yo-Shiuan Lin, You-Lin Li, Po-Han Chiu, Chien-Nan Hsiao, Chih-Yuan Chen, Chin-Lung Kuo, Jien-Wei Yehe, Shing-Hoa Wang, Woei-Shyan Lee, Jer-Ren Yang, Hierarchical nanotwins in Fe27Co24Ni23Cr26 high-entropy alloy subjected to high strain-rate Hopkinson bar deformation, Materials Characterization, Volume 185, pp 111737 (2022) (第一作者).

18. Yuzhuo Luo, Yunqing Tang, Tsai-Fu Chung, Cheng-Ling Tai, Chih-Yuan Chen, Jer-Ren Yang, D. Y. Li, Electron work function: an indicative parameter towards a novel material design methodology, Scientific Reports, Volume 11, pp 11565 (2021) (共同作者).

17. Tsai-Fu Chung, Po-Han Chiu, Le-Min Wang, Shing-Hoa Wang, Chih-Yuan Chen, Jien-Wei Yeh, Chien-Nan Hsiao, Da-Zheng Ou, Jer-Ren Yang, Investigation on the ballistic induced nanotwinning in the Mn-free Fe27Co24Ni23Cr26 high entropy alloy plate, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 270, pp 124707 (2021) (第一作者).

16. Tsai-Fu Chung, Y.-L. Yang, M. Shiojiri, C.-L. Tai C.-N. Hsiao, W.-C. Li, C.-S. Tsao, Z. Shi, J. Lin, J.-R. Yang, HR-STEM investigation of atomic lattice defects in different types of η precipitates in creep-age forming Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 815, pp 141213 (2021) (第一作者).

15. Tsai-Fu Chung, P.-J. Chen, C.-L. Tai, P.-H. Chiu, Y.-S. Lin, C.-N. Hsiao, J.-W. Yeh, W.-S. Lee, J.-R. Yang, Investigation of nanotwins in the bimodal-structured Fe22Co22Ni20Cr22Mn14 alloy subjected to high-strain-rate deformation at cryogenic temperatures, Materials Characterization, Volume 170, pp 110667 (2020) (第一作者).

14. Tsai-Fu Chung, M. Kawasaki, W. Phillip, K. Nishio, M. Shiojiri, W.-C. Li, C.-N. Hsiao, J.-R. Yang, Atomic-resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mapping of η precipitates in an Al-Mg-Zn-Cu alloy, Materials Characterization, Volume 166, pp 110448 (2020) (第一作者).

13. C.-Y. Chou, T.-J. Chang, C.-I. Wang, C.-Y. Wang, Y.-T. Yin, Tsai-Fu Chung, J.-R. Yang, H.-C. Lin, M.-J. Chen, Dielectric properties and reliability enhancement of atomic layer deposited thin films by in situ atomic layer substrate biasing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Volume 8, pp 13025 (共同作者).

12. C.-L. Tu, K.-I. Lin, J. Pu, Tsai-Fu Chung, C.-N. Hsiao, A.-C. Huang, J.-R. Yang, T. Takenobu, C.-H. Chen, CVD Growth of Large-Area InS Atomic Layers and Device Applications, Nanoscale, (2020) (共同作者).

11.  L.B. Pei-Herng, Tsai-Fu Chung, J.-R. Yang, F. Jianxun, C. Chih-Yuan, W. Shing-Hoa, T. Ming-Chin, H. Ching-Yuan, Microstructure Characterization of Massive Ferrite in Laser-Weldments of Interstitial-Free Steels, Metals, Volume 10, pp 898, (2020) (共同作者).

10. K.-P. Peng, Y.-H. Kuo, L.-H. Chang, C.-N. Hsiao, Tsai-Fu Chung, Thomas George, H.-C. Lin, P.-W. Li, Silicon nitride engineering: Role of hydrogen-bonding in Ge quantum dot formation, Semiconductor Science and Technology, (2020) (共同作者).

9. Y.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Yeh, Tsai-Fu Chung, S.-P. Tsai, J.-R. Yang, C.-C. Hsu, K.-C. Ho, I.-C. Cheng, J.-Z. Chen, Electrochemical and Microstructural Investigations of PtFe Nanocompounds Synthesized by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet, Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Volume 167 (2020) (共同作者).

8.  Tsai-Fu Chung, Y.-L. Yang, M. Shiojiri, C.-N. Hsiao, W.-C. Li, C.-S. Tsao, Z. Shi, J. Lin, J.-R. Yang, An atomic scale structural investigation of nanometre-sized η precipitates in the 7050 aluminium alloy, Acta Materialia, Volume 174, pp 351 (2019) (第一作者).

7.Y.-S. Lin, Iljo Kwak, Tsai-Fu Chung, J.-R. Yang, Andrew C. Kummel, M.-J. Chen, Nucleation engineering for atomic layer deposition of uniform sub-10 nm high-K dielectrics on MoTe2, Applied Surface Science, Volume 294, pp 239 (2019) (共同作者).

6. J.-H. Li, S.-F. Wang, Tsai-Fu Chung, J.-R. Yang, Effects of addition of Sc2O3 on microstructure and dielectric properties of BaTiO3-based X8R MLCCs, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 127, pp 194 (2019) (共同作者).

5. Tsai-Fu Chung, Y.-L. Yang, B.-M. Huang, Z. Shi, J. Lin, T. Ohmura, J.-R. Yang, “Transmission electron microscopy investigation of separated nucleation and in-situ nucleation in AA7050 aluminium alloy”, Acta Materialia, Volume 149, pp 377 (2018) (第一作者).

4. Tsai-Fu Chung, Y.-L. Yang, C.-N. Hsiao, W.-C. Li, B.-M. Huang, J.-R. Yang, C.-S. Tsao, Z. Shi, J. Lin, Paul E Fischioned, T. Ohmura, “Morphological evolution of GP zones and nanometer-sized precipitates in the AA2050 aluminium alloy, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, Volume 1, pp 142 (2018) (第一作者).

3. Y. Li, Z. Shi, J. Lin, Y.-L. Yang, Q. Rong, B.-M. Huang, Tsai-Fu Chung, C.-S. Tsao, J.-R. Yang, D.S. Balint, “A unified constitutive model for asymmetric tension and compression creep-ageing behaviour of naturally aged Al-Cu-Li alloy”, International Journal of Plasticity, Volume 89, pp 130 (2017) (共同作者).

2. Y. Li, Z. Shi, J. Lin, Y.-L. Yang, B.-M. Huang, Tsai-Fu Chung, J.-R. Yang, “Experimental investigation of tension and compression creep-ageing behavior of AA2050 with different initial tempers”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 657, pp 299 (2016) (共同作者)

1. Y.-C. Hsieh, L. Zhang, Tsai-Fu Chung, Y.-T. Tsai, J.-R. Yang, T. Ohmura, T. Suzuki, “In-situ transmission electron microscopy investigation of the deformation behavior of spinodal nanostructured δ-ferrite in a duplex stainless steel”, Scripta Materialia. Volume 125, pp 44 (2016) (共同作者).


26. Invited speaker演講: 2021年Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC) Virtual Conference.
25. 最佳論文獎: 2021年台灣熱處理年會。
24. 年輕學子科學家獎: 2020年第17屆國際鋁合金研討會(ICAA17) (視訊會議)。
23. 年輕學子科學家獎: 國際顯微學會聯合會獎(IFSM): 2020年第十二屆國際亞太電子顯微鏡年會(印度海得拉巴)。
22. 最佳論文獎:2020年台灣熱處理年會。
21. 最佳顯微攝影競賽獎: 2019年第三十九屆台灣電子顯微鏡年會。
20. 最佳論文海報: 2019年第三十九屆台灣電子顯微鏡年會。
19. 論文口頭報告特優: 2018年歐洲聯盟金屬鑛冶冶金年會(法國巴黎)。
18. 年輕學子科學家會議代表: 2018年第十九屆世界電子顯微鏡總會(澳洲雪梨)。
17. 最佳論文口頭報告: 2018年第六屆海峽兩岸綠色材料製程論壇(上海浦東)。
16. 最佳論文口頭報告: 2018年第三十五屆國際泰國電子顯微鏡年會(泰國清邁)。
15. 最佳論文海報: 2018年第三十五屆國際泰國電子顯微鏡年會(泰國清邁)。
14. 論文口頭報告: 2018年台灣TAAMS第三屆文物藝術品科學鑑定技術論文研討會。
13. 特優論文獎: 2018年台灣熱處理年會&第八屆海峽兩岸金屬熱處理技術論壇。
12. 最佳顯微攝影競賽獎: 2018年第三十八屆台灣電子顯微鏡年會。
11. 最佳論文海報: 2018年第三十八屆台灣電子顯微鏡年會。
10. 論文口頭報告: 2018年中國鑛冶工程學會。
09. 年輕學子科學家獎: 2017年第三屆東亞電子顯微鏡年會(韓國釜山)。
08. 最佳論文海報: 2016年第十一屆國際亞太電子顯微鏡年會(泰國普吉島)。
07. 最佳論文獎: 2016年中國材料年會。
06. 最佳論文獎:2016年台灣熱處理年會。
04. 年輕學子科學家獎: 2015年第二屆東亞電子顯微鏡年會(日本淡路島)。
03. 論文口頭報告: 2015年中國鑛冶工程學會。.
02. 最佳論文獎: 2015年台灣熱處理年會。
01. 教育部與東和鋼鐵企業股份有限公司產學博士班獎學金:SM570鋼材之顯微結構分析
Room 603, Engineering Building 6,
TEL. 03-5723803

Department Of Materials Science And Engineering, NYCU.

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